Bring Ginger for a Healthier Routine

07 dezembro 2018

Increasingly known for its benefits, in addition to being a wonderful seasoning, ginger has become famous for obtaining several benefits to achieve a healthier organism.
Ginger is a root that has as its main property gingerol, which is anti-inflammatory, thus it protects the body from inflammation caused by viruses and bacteria. The taste of ginger is given by this property.
Ginger for inflamed throat is a kind of medicine precisely because it has the property that will make the throat deflate. The antibiotic action also exists in the root, which helps in the critical state of a throat. Ginger is composed of vitamin B6, as well as copper, potassium and magnesium, which contribute to the strengthening of immunity.
Ginger for sore throat
Ginger for inflamed throat is one of the techniques used by people to decrease pain and improve the picture of inflammation of the throat. Several are the symptoms of sore throat: burning, itching at the beginning of inflammation, redness, fever, dry cough, besides difficulty to swallow and bad breath.
Some people can decrease inflammation from ginger and its properties. As, for example, with the use of Propovit Spray, composed of honey and extract of propolis flavors mallow, watercress, mint and ginger. This spray helps relieve the symptoms of sore throat, in addition to improving the breath with ginger.
Prevention and treatment
Research shows that ginger has a substance called 6-gingerol that is anticancerous and found in high concentration in raw ginger. This substance also fights bacteria, inflammations and tumors. Studies have also shown that ginger helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea.
- Increases the immune system
Do you usually catch one disease after another and are always struggling to get well, and when you least expect it, are you sick again? If you have identified yourself with this, your immune system may not be strengthened and your diet may be of paramount importance for your immune system to improve. If you want your body's defenses to be strong and fighting against your illness, ginger is highly recommended by doctors because it cleans your lymphatic system, kills bacteria and releases toxins. To complement the strengthening of your immunity, try dripping a few drops of Propolis Propovit Extract on a cup of ginger, with this daily routine, your immunity will be unbeatable.
Helps against irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases, affecting about 10% to 20% of the Brazilian population. There are several types and the most common symptoms are: constipation, colic, gas, swelling and mucus in the feces.
Ginger also helps people who suffer from this syndrome, relieving and relaxing the intestine so that the patient can have a normal life. Adding ginger to your diet, taking some root supplements or even tea can have a calming effect on your digestive system, reducing the suffering that this disease causes.
Acts against gases
Problems with gases can be embarrassing, because they usually embarrass us, occurring at the most inconvenient moments. Even though there are several medicines to help against the gases, we can try something more natural, such as ginger, to fight against them.
Ginger tea is effective against gases and very easy to make. With a cup of tea before going to bed, you may be able to release the gases at night while you sleep, cleaning your digestive system and ending the problem before going through an embarrassing situation.
Ginger has the function of regulating the gases within your digestive system and drinking ginger tea helps eliminate them, not produce them. You can have this feeling because it releases the gases, but it is not producing them, but eliminating them.
Accelerates weight loss
To achieve more health, losing weight is always a good alternative. Overweight has several aggravating factors such as stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Ginger can also help you lose weight when present in your daily diet.
Often found in fat burning supplements, ginger is natural and has no side effects. It speeds up your metabolism for faster calorie loss and can also help you feel satiated by making you eat less.
Balances blood sugar
A series of research around blood sugar control is placing ginger as one of the best solutions to balance blood glucose levels, which are paramount in weight loss or gain as well as in energy production (or lack of it) throughout the day. A little dizziness or softness can be a change in blood sugar levels and adding ginger to your daily lunch can help stabilize your energy and keep you focused on your tasks.
Slows down muscle fatigue
You know that uncomfortable little pain we feel after we've worked out? The best way to help muscle recovery be faster is to eat ginger. There are studies that prove that those who have ginger in their diet end up having a considerable reduction in the time of muscle recovery and can work out more. And, of course, the more you mesh, the more healthy mass you have, and this helps a lot with healthy weight loss and burning calories during exercise.
Improves your breath
If garlic is the villain of good breath, ginger is the great hero in this matter. If you eat a little ginger at the end of meals, it will clean your palate and leave your mouth with a refreshing breath. Drinking a mixture of ginger and hot water can also help clean your mouth and neutralize bad taste and bad breath. An alternative to maintaining good breath is Propovit Ginger Candies, which provide refreshing breath in a practical, quick and tasty way.
Controls morning sickness
Pregnant women who suffer greatly from early morning sickness can use ginger to minimize these effects and have a healthier life. Ginger serves as a tranquilizer and reduces the suffering of the pregnant woman.

It serves as an analgesic against any type of pain.
Forget that little box of medicines for headache, the ginger can also help you against any type of pain, acting as a natural analgesic. It treats inflammation and decreases pain at a hormonal level. If you take a cup of ginger when you wake up, you can already feel the improvements it will give you in your day to day life.
Reduces sinusitis
Just change the time for you to start suffering from the pain of sinusitis? There is an ingredient in ginger that works miracles against sinusitis, helping to clear the nasal passages and helping to drain the mucus. And it only takes a good cup of hot ginger to get rid of sinusitis without the use of medication and unpleasant side effects.
Do you have carbohydrates in your ginger?
Yes, about 0.4 grams for each teaspoon of ginger root. As it is not used more than this to season dishes or to produce your tea, it is common to say that it fits into a low-carbohydrate diet, such as Dukan or Low Carb. It also keeps you feeling satiated for longer, helping against the common hunger in these low-carbohydrate diets.
Can we become dehydrated by consuming ginger?
Ginger works like a diuretic, so it eliminates a greater amount of toxic fluids from your body. Therefore, if you include it in your diet, you need to take greater care with your hydration. Take more water when eating ginger and there will be no problem.

Ginger tea
To make ginger tea use 2 to 3 cm of fresh ginger for 1 liter of water. Ginger should be washed and then cut or grated. After boiling the water, simply add the ginger and leave it on high heat. After 8 to 10 minutes of boiling, turn off the stove and wait to cool. Ideally, it should be strained before consumption.

Ginger juice
Juice is a different and refreshing way of consuming ginger. The drink, besides having the anti-inflammatory action, helps in the cleaning of the organism. You can beat the juice with pineapple, lemon and mint in the blender.
