
FSC, which stands for Forest Stewardship Council or Portuguese Forest Stewardship Council, is an internationally recognized forest certification system. The concept of forest certification emerged in response to concerns about global forests and consists of valuing products that originate from responsible forest management.

A Bionatus Laboratório Botânico, de São José do Rio Preto(SP), uma das maiores fabricantes de fitoterápicos do país passou a contratar fornecedores que tem selo de certificação FSC.

The objective of the FSC is to spread the rational use of forests according to Principles and Criteria that are the same throughout the world, and these principles reconcile ecological safeguards with social benefits and economic viability.

Sua atuação consiste em: desenvolver os princípios e critérios (universais) para certificação; credenciar organizações certificadoras especializadas e independentes; e apoiar o desenvolvimento de padrões nacionais e regionais de manejo florestal, que servem para detalhar a aplicação dos princípios e critérios, adaptando-os à realidade de um determinado tipo de floresta.

certification benefits

Manufacture herbal medicines and functional foods with quality ingredients. Control the environmental and variable conditions of the production process to ensure they are in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice. Keep employees trained and continuously updated. Comply with the requirements of current legislation. Seek balance in quality management, so that it achieves its objectives and is financially viable.


Contribute to the responsible use of natural resources.


Conserving the regenerative capacity of native forests.


Preserve wildlife habitats and protect water resources.


Support the development of a stable economy for traditional communities.


Encourage the rights of workers and indigenous communities to be respected.


Ensure that forest management practices are responsibly and continuously improved.


Oferecer oportunidades de interação e cooperação entre os vários atores sociais envolvidos no manejo florestal responsável (proprietários florestais, organizações sociais e ambientais) na solução de problemas relativos à floresta.


Provide an economically viable alternative to more socially destructive practices for communities and forest company employees.

The number of products with certification seal in Brazil is well below that of the first world countries, but it is growing, which is great news. The seal acts as a guarantee of quality, origin and commitment to sustainability and is increasingly appearing on products because the consumer is becoming more demanding and knows that by identifying stamps recognized by regulators, the consumer is sure that they are acquiring something. really reliable.

A Bionatus dá provas do seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade ao contratar e apostar em fornecedores (gráficas) que possuem o selo de certificação FSC, atualmente a empresa esta alterando seu mix de compras de embalagens para o padrão FSC, sendo que dentro de 2 anos será 100% FSC O selo oferece um link confiável entre a produção e o consumo responsável de produtos florestais, permitindo que consumidores e empresas tomem decisões em prol das pessoas e do ambiente.
