The Importance Of Calcium For Bone Strengthening

17 dezembro 2019

Calcium is an important nutrient for body function and is the largest mineral in the body. It is estimated that 1% to 2% of an adult's body weight is in the form of calcium. In addition, 99% of the calcium present in the body is located in bones and teeth. To have a firm and strong skeleton is necessary to consume calcium.
The mineral, found in large doses in milk and its derivatives, serves as raw material for the constitution of all bones in the body, participating in the periodic renewal of the skeleton.
The nutrient is fundamental in childhood and adolescence, during which 90% of bone mass is built. Thus, a child who eats adequate amounts of calcium can prevent problems that would only appear in adulthood. Also be careful about nutrient-rich foods during pregnancy and in old age when the risk of osteoporosis increases.
When the adequate amount of calcium with food is not reached, it is indicated to consume nutritional supplements to supply the calcium deficiency in the body.

Calcium Health Benefits
Calcium has the most varied functions, the main one being the formation of bones and teeth. A diet with adequate amounts of calcium is essential for maintaining bone mass, thus ensuring skeletal integrity.
Calcium also plays a role in neuromuscular functions. In muscle fibers, for example, the influx of calcium into the cell promotes reactions that trigger muscle contraction.
In addition, calcium acts as a messenger within cells; By binding with proteins and phospholipids, it promotes membrane permeability; and in some cells, such as those in the adrenals, it is responsible for hormone secretion.
Another important role of calcium concerns coagulation, since it is responsible for activating factors that enable this process. Blood pressure is also related to the amount of calcium ingested. Research indicates that eating with adequate calcium levels prevents and helps in treating high blood pressure.
In addition to blood pressure, studies relate calcium with obesity. Increasing intake of this important nutrient is thought to lead to decreased fat mass.

Calcium sources
The main sources of calcium are milk and dairy products, but some fish and vegetables may also provide this nutrient. If ingested within recommendations, this mineral prevents diseases such as osteoporosis, obesity, colon cancer and even high blood pressure.
Below are some foods and the amount of calcium found according to the Brazilian Food Composition Table (TACO):

Lime Orange (180g) - 56 mg of calcium.
Whole milk (1 cup) - 295 mg of calcium.
Beautiful papaya (170g) - 42 mg of calcium.
Cheese bread (2 medium units) - 41 mg of calcium.
Fried hake (120g) - 454 mg of calcium.
Fresh Cheese (56 g) - 324 mg Calcium
Roasted sardines (50g) - 219 mg of calcium.
Daily Recommendations
The World Health Organization recommends that an adult should take an average of 1000 mg of calcium daily. It is worth noting that the recommendations vary with age and also take into consideration whether a woman is pregnant or not. In general, there are no gender differences, and the recommendation is higher for the growing stages and for the elderly.

Daily nutrient requirement:
From birth to 6 months (breastfeeding is sufficient) = 400 mg
6 to 12 months = 600 mg
1 to 5 years = 800 mg
6 to 10 years = 800 mg to 1,200 mg
11 to 24 years = 200 mg to 1,000 mg
25 to 50 years = 1,000 mg
Pregnant women and nursing women = 1 200 mg
Over 65 years = 1 500 mg

* Information taken from the book New Nutrition Guide